I'm happy for you :) It's cool you're pursuing your crafts and making things!

Your unbound stuff looks awesome too.

> But I’m also thinking ahead quite far and trying to think of ways to find more readers.

Maybe Space Deer could be published in a picture book format once there's a ton of pages of material. The method of consumption might be cozy and convert people who otherwise wouldn't read web comics.


> Are you obsessed with something right now?

I spent a few weeks porting a game of mine to PC with some enhancements, and I think that it really picked up my momentum for game development. It's coming out in a few weeks on steam; https://store.steampowered.com/app/3029680/You_Want_to_Watch_the_World_Burn/

I've been working a ton of hours on this social MMO "World of Cubes" https://imgur.com/a/rjCRS0A ; Made without an engine.

I think game dev classifies as an obsession because I wish I could also improve my animation and drawing skills, but I have such a perfect time to progress my game projects towards finish right now.


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Links no work in email (“bad URL”), works in web version though. 🧐

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They work for me in both versions. Is it the Toocheke link that gives you a bad URL? I got a warning when I first opened that from the email but I was able to press "continue anyway."

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