The moment I stop filling my time with social media I start getting new ideas for drawings and while stories. I feel the struggle of breaking free of the scrolling habit!

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Definitely! It’s like having a stuffy nose

Do you mind if I quote you in the next post?

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About boredom, I notice only when I let my kids be bored for a few minutes (screens off) do they start to engage in imaginative play, almost as it creativity can't happen without botedom. I wonder for myself if the reason why I feel uninspired or unmotivated to create sometimes is due to the fact that I don't often let myself get bored.🤔

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Gosh yeah I think you’re onto something there!

Do you mind if I quote you in a future post?

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Go for it!

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Feb 18Edited

This sounds really good for you.

When I lived life on hard mode, always going against social media habits, I didn't really want to

work much either. But when I did what I *wanted*, and when what I wanted was working 10 hours a day without social media, that was ideal. I want to approach this from a low resistance perspective.

A computer with internet does not feel a room of my own. Casey Muratori's work computers don't even have internet. If he needs documentation, he'll download it when he's not working. That is his room of his own.

Do you have a room of your own? Or a *work device* of your own?

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Internet does have a tendency to take me out of my room and into a different world, you’ve got a good point there.

I’m not sure what my “room” is, I gotta think about that…

Do you mind if I quote you a bit for an upcoming post? Where I might try to answer that question?

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Yea, quote me :)

There's another quote, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction" (an analysis here https://bloomsburyliterarystudies.typepad.com/continuum-literary-studie/2012/03/a-woman-must-have-money-and-a-room-of-her-own-if-she-is-to-write-fiction.html )

I'm looking forward to your post

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