Mar 21Liked by Indiana-Jonas

The internet really does enable a lot of content. Editors being social media feeds...

I wish there were a magazine abour encouraging and building mastery in creativity and art. It's exhausting pruning the internet for things that don't encourage consumerism!

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Mar 20Liked by Indiana-Jonas

Wow, the release date is just around the corner -- and for Switch as well! It looks great :) Very lively trailer.

I really liked reading your thoughts on the newspaper strip. 17,897 is a crazy number. No wonder Peanuts is such a deep part of American culture; these characters have been doing their thing in the daily paper, decade by decade.

Schulz and you are similar enough to the point where I can see how he may inspire you. Like him, you are always moving forward with your creative productions and your style also often has a "real but cuddly" air to it.

And the whole thing about extra material is also something I've thought about. Think about a YouTube channel with a regular schedule of videos, which suddenly decides to post a silly or informal extra video that isn't part of the regular schedule. Even though the other videos take much more time and effort to put together, that one video is likely going to feel very significant to the loyal subscribers. The video was made with zero obligations and nothing but love. Subconsciously, it actually speaks very deeply to the intentions of that creator. Besides the general fun of it I think it can help establish some sense of trust with the audience -- a little like a cat exposing its belly, hehe.

That may just be me overthinking it of course.

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