May 22Liked by Indiana-Jonas

Dude, I wish I enjoyed Ori & The Blind Forest but I just don't know where to go.

Metroid Prime Remastered is great (although it might not be what you had in mind, with it being first person). So is Metroid Dread, but it is even better if you know the story of the previous 4 instalments.

That 3d model looks really nice. Unbound seems pretty cool.

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I wish I enjoyed Ori too, people said such nice things about it so my expectation were high. I also have no idea where to go and when I'm going somewhere I can't recall how I got there, it's like a dreamy haze (in sort of a bad way).

I do want to give both these Metroid games a go! The price is pretty steep though so I'm holding off for a sale

Unbound is dope!

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May 22Liked by Indiana-Jonas

Yes t-shirt material! Looks great!

> My idea when taking those pics was to use them for messily texturing 3D assets.

Sounds like a very cool idea.

KINGSLY is fun!

I found hollow knight a very enjoyable experience, though it doesn't push the medium of gameplay in the way I like to. Loved the visual style and parallax and animation and colors.

It seems you're doing lots of cool things with Space Deer and unbound explorations, nice!

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Thanks Michael!

I heard this about poetry somewhere - "good poets don't try to elevate poetry, they just try to write good poetry." And I kinda feel that with games too, in a lot of ways it's enough to make very good games. But I think I get your sentiment too, maybe that's not what you meant (I'm thinking of innovation).

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May 23·edited May 23

Hm, but I wouldn't call Hollow Knight *good* in that respect. It has good art and polish, but the gameplay is truly lacking to me. Maybe it's just my taste with metroidvanias. I feel with my experience I could bring something interesting to that genre if I pursued it.

But I like that quote as well, it raises lots of interesting thoughts to be explored. Hayao Miyazaki stuck with his cel animation style because he thought it was what would reach the most people, while he and Isao Takahata looked up to Frédéric Back who pushed the animation medium.

Though I also wonder who gets a special place in art history and is remembered in hundreds of years: the one who made what was already known, or the one who pushed boundaries and made something interesting?

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May 22Liked by Indiana-Jonas

Agree about the t-shirt material!

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Thanks Haruh! I'll keep this in the back of my head

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